Ramp-up and delivery assurance for panoramic roofs







The supply of panoramic roofs to a major automotive customer was at significant risk. Deliveries could only be ensured in small quantities through special transport (SoFa). The Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) was well below 85%, and there was a shortage of trained staff, coupled with high turnover rates.

Project Period:

December 2017 to July 2018


Provision of VP Operations, quality and analysis specialists.


  • Ensure serial delivery capability.

  • Implement a 4-shift system and recruit and train the necessary staff.

  • Establish a training center for line workers.

  • Expand line capacity with an additional manual production line.


  • The production line was not yet ready for serial production at the scheduled Start of Production (SOP) and awaited final approval from the customer.

  • Simultaneous production for multiple customers on the same line.

  • Quality had to be ensured through the use of three firewalls.

  • Daily coordination and reporting to the customer.

  • Building the 4th shift took three months.


  • From April 2018, 100% on-time delivery of all customer orders was secured.

  • Line OEE reached the targeted 85% from April 2018.

  • The training center was successfully established, and the 4-shift system was introduced by Easter 2018.

  • The manual production line was built and successfully approved.


Thanks to a structured approach and targeted measures, CONSOTIUS successfully addressed the initial challenges. Not only was the production line made serial-ready, but delivery capability and quality were also sustainably ensured. With the successful establishment of the training center, the introduction of the 4-shift system, and the optimization of production processes, customer orders were fulfilled on time, and operational targets were met. This project is a testament to how tailored solutions and professional support can stabilize and optimize critical production processes effectively.

At CONSOTIUS, we rely on a structured and focused approach in the work of our Task Forces. Our key focus areas include ensuring supplier performance and managing crises. We concentrate on acting effectively and efficiently in these core areas to achieve the desired results through a well-directed methodology.



Are you ready to take your company’s efficiency and performance to the next level? Contact us today for a non-binding consultation. Our team of experts is available to develop tailored solutions for your challenges and guide you on the path to success. We look forward to hearing from you!

Contact us today!

Lessingstrasse 4
08058 Zwickau
